Main Street, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF3 2BA

0113 8879023

East Ardsley Primary Academy

A member of Leodis Academies Trust

School Improvement

We analyse the outcomes at the end of every academic year carefully so that we can plan initiative and strategies to build on any strengths and to address any areas of weakness.  

The Governing Body review this process carefully across the year and challenge the school to ensure we set manageable targets that can have maximum impact on the outcomes for our children.

The two documents that they use to do this are the School Development Plan and the Self Evaluation Form.

School Development Plan 2016/17

School Development Plan 2017/18

School Development Plan 2018/19

School Four Year Strategy 2019

School Development Plan 2019/20

School Development Plan 2020/21

School Development Plan 2021/22

School Development Plan 2022/23

School Development Plan 2023/24 

School Development Plan 2024/25

Self Evaluation Form